Walter Evans Church of England Primary & Nursery School

Red Nose Day & support for refugees in Ukraine

This Friday (18th March 2022) is Red Nose Day. Traditionally, on this day the children wear non-uniform with a £1 donation for the Red Nose charity.

This year, with our children, families and local partners seeking to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine we have decided to divide our support as follows.

Children can come to school in non-uniform on Friday 18th March and either:
- bring a £1 donation for the Red Nose charity;
- or donate one of the much needed items for Ukrainian refugees (shown in the flier HERE).

Whichever charity you choose to support, donations will be gratefully received. Donations can be brought to school on Friday 18th March by your child, with larger donations for Ukraine being brought to the main school foyer entrance by parents. These will then be temporarily stored in the school hall before being collected by the Rotary Club later in the day.

TEAMS4U, supported by the Rotary Club, Derby, have ensured that the support for the refugees has been planned well and coordinated with their existing teams in mainland Europe, in order to successfully navigate the tricky logistics involved in such an operation.

Thank you in advance for your support.

The Walter Evans Teamnt