Walter Evans Church of England Primary & Nursery School

June-July Diary Dates

Please also see the school calendar found HERE.

Key Diary Dates:

PTFA Summer Fair:     Fri 17th June 2022 (5-8pm)

Sports days:                   Weds 29th June 2022 (9:30-11:30am) – Early Years (Nursery &                                                 Reception)

                                             Thurs 30th June 2022 (9:30-11am) – Year 5 and Year 6    

                                             Thurs 30th June 2022 (1:30-3:15pm) – Year 3 and Year 4               

                                             Weds 6th July 2022 (9:30-11:30am) – Year 1 and Year 2


Walter Evans Transition days (Nursery-Y5 children move up into new classrooms with their new teachers) - 13th and 14th July 2022


Meet the Teacher meetings:

For the parents of all children in school. These meetings are held in each classroom and act as an excellent opportunity for parents to meet your child's new teacher in advance of the new academic year. The meetings will take place on:

  • Y1, Y2 and Y3 will be on Monday 18th July – (in each classroom 3:45-4:45pm)
  • Y4, Y5 and Y6 will be on Tuesday 19th July – (in each classroom 3:45-4:45pm)
  • Welcome meetings for Nursery parents will be on 15th June and for the Reception classes on 22nd June (hosted in the hall from 6-7pm)