Walter Evans Church of England Primary & Nursery School


Below are the members of our Governing Body.

If you would like to speak to any of the governors, please contact one of our school admin team in the school office, in the first instance.

Name Type of Gov Responsibility Term ends Business/other material interest Attendance 2023/24
Ros Clark




Headteacher performance management

29/06/2027 None 3/4
Dr Pete Meakin




Headteacher performance management

Mental Health and Well-Being (MH&WB)

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Relationships and Health Education (RHE)

17/07/2027  None 4/4
Sarah Northam Trust PCC (Parochial Church Council)


16/10/2027  None 4/4
David Brown Head Teacher Ongoing None 4/4
Laura Gunn Staff 


04/10/2026  None 4/4
Jo Baines Trust


17/07/2027  None 4/4
Ben Ricketts


Physical Education (PE) and Sport Premium

22/11/2026 None 4/4
Ed Cunliffe

Trust PCC (Parochial Church Council)

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

11/07/2027 None 2/4
Ben Kelsey


Health and Safety (H&S)

17/06/2028 None 4/4
Amy Burton


Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

07/01/2028 None 2/2
Tom Hughes


Pupil Premium (PP)

Looked after children (LAC)

07/01/2028 None 2/2
Rev. Rachael Brooks

Foundation Ex-Officio


22/05/2028 None 1/1

Governors who have left the Governing body (within last 12 months)

Helen Wallace - 08/10/2015 - 07/10/2023

Louise Owen-McGee - 24/11/2010 - 19/10/2023

Rev Peter Barham - 06/10/2016 - 05/10/2023

Clerk to Governors

Vacant role - to be appointed by the governors of Walter Evans School

Governing Body Minutes

There are copies of Governing Body minutes readily available at the school office. Please contact the school if you would like to view these.