Walter Evans Church of England Primary & Nursery School

Early Years

Early Years

 Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Within the Early Years Foundation Stage at Walter Evans CE Primary and Nursery School, we intend to ensure all our youngest children leave us with confidence, resilience and independence ready to face their next challenge. We aim to equip children with the characteristics, attitudes, language, knowledge and skills required for their transition to KS1.

 Our Early Years  Curriculum Vision 

Physical Development (PD) Progression Grid

Expressive Arts & Design (EAD) Progression Grid

 Understanding The World (UTW) Progression Grid

Communication & Language (C & L) Progression Grid 

 Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Progression Grid

 How it fits within our school vision.

Our school vision is rooted in the Christian faith. As a proud Church of England school, our vision is underpinned by the Church of England’s vision for education. This vision identifies four interlinking aims for all our pupils and, at its heart, lies LOVE (Luke 10:27).

It is this LOVE for God, for our neighbours and ourselves, that forms our Christian foundation to underpin all that we do.

School Vision Statement

At Walter Evans we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued. A broad and balanced curriculum will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum.